Valencia Codes

Valencia Codes

To Code, To Find Jobs, Together

Skin Bliss
Remote (Full remote)
React Native Developer

We are an early-stage startup developing AI solutions for the skincare and beauty market. We are primarily a consumer-oriented mobile app for cosmetic insights and skincare routine recommendations. We are investor-backed, with a stable organic user growth (700k and counting).

Our current MVP version of the app was developed in-house by one of the founders. And as we grow, we are now looking for a person who can take over the app development.

🐼 About you:

- You are beyond junior. At this stage, we need a person who’s at least a mid level with some demonstrable experience in developing and scaling mobile apps

- Ideally, you've published at least one app by yourself, so you are familiar with the entire publishing cycle

- You know how to test the app and make sure it works properly on different devices

- You can work independently (you will effectively be a solo full-time dev, the founders develop as well, but they have increasingly many other startup responsibilities and commitments)

- You have the ability to grow, lead and manage a dev team in the future

- You are comfortable working remotely and organizing your own time. There will be no manager or a product owner, so you will be in charge of planning and executing of your own tasks

🥞Out stack:

- React Native with Expo, JS, not TS

- zustand → state manager

- react-navigation → navigation

- firebase → authentication (only)

- native-base → UI


- AWS E2

- Node.js + Strapi + MariaDB

🎩 Benefits

We cannot compete with big companies when it comes to salary and benefits. We are an early-stage, pre-revenue startup backed by a modest investment. We are extremely lean. We are looking for a person who is in for the ride. Life at a startup is difficult and challenging, but not without perks! It’s also an exciting journey with a potential high-gain endgame and a tangible feeling of making a difference in the world :)

We need to start with a smaller salary, 42-55k€/yr, that we will increase over time developing the startup together. Being one of the founding employees means we offer the equity package, so if (when!) we succeed in the future, your contribution will be rewarded 👑